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Cards for Caring

Cards for Caring

Cards for Caring is our New Holiday Fundraiser! Holiday e-cards are a great way to say you care, and they can also be a creative alternative to...

Giving Hearts Day

Giving Hearts Day

You can help provide that first night of shelter and supportive services for these families served by the Abused Adult Resource Center. And a good...

Year-End Holiday Appeal

Year-End Holiday Appeal

Imagine, for a moment, a survivor with their children on the brink of making the hardest decision of their life, fleeing their home to escape...

A Simple Way to Support AARC

A Simple Way to Support AARC

Enrolling In Target Circle Guests in participating markets can enroll in the Giving Program for free. There are three easy ways to sign up for...

We Are Open!

We Are Open!

AARC is committed to ensuring those experiencing interpersonal violence continue to feel supported on their paths to safety & healing. Our office...