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A community group whose members share the desire to prevent domestic and sexual violence in our community.


    To prevent domestic and sexual violence through education, intervention, and community involvement.


      All people will have respect, safety, and trust in their homes and communities.


        • We believe that domestic and sexual violence are community problems.
        • We believe that all individuals have a responsibility to help end violence in our community.
        • We believe that prevention can effectively end violence.
        • We believe that the response to victims should be coordinated and victim-centered; where safety of victims is primary and offenders are held accountable for their actions.

        PULSE consists of community action teams (CATs) that meet quarterly to accomplish the goals and missions of the taskforce. CATs, while under the umbrella of PULSE, shall be identified by names selected by those groups. These teams will operate interdependently, while staying focused on the mission, vision, and beliefs of PULSE.

        Community members are encouraged to join PULSE. To participate in PULSE, reach out to us.

        Upcoming Meetings

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